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Kids Camps
Let's get them into the wild...

We head out on day long adventures, introducing paddling skills (kayaking and paddle boarding) or dog sledding, kids yoga, wilderness skills, workshops, climbing skills, geocaching, disc golfing, Eco education and art, mixed with whatever else the group can think of.
As the days progress, so does their confidence! At the end of the week the kids have water Olympics and the option to acquire their level 1 skills certification. Guest instructors, from marine and Eco education and outdoor sports centres join in on the fun, along with native story telling incorporated and trips to neighbouring islands. All snacks, workshop materials, travel expenses and camp shirt or hat included in cost. (Single day campers can purchase a School of Fish t-shirt or hat)
Ages: 6-11 (exceptions made)
These pre-teen mermaids will learn self esteem and empowerment through play, yoga, paddling skills, wilderness skills and just plain girl time. Our goal is to teach them to trust themselves, their judgement, to empower their female peers and to continue to be their genuine awesome selves, no matter what society throws at them.
Ages: 8-12 (exceptions made)

School of Fish July 8th-12th
Mermaid Camp July 15th-19th
Camp cost:
Subsidy available to those in need.
Please contact for more information and booking.
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